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First Cut+ is a program launched in 2020 for boosting the promotion & audience engagement strategies of feature films that previously took part in a First Cut Lab workshop.

First Cut+ operates twice a year, working in close cooperation with two dynamic and well-established film industry platforms: When East Meets West and Karlovy Vary IFF’s Eastern Promises. Each year a portfolio of 16 feature films is promoted: 8 films during the winter session at Trieste’s When East Meets West, and 8 films during the summer session at Karlovy Vary IFF’s Eastern Promises Industry Days.

Participating projects benefit from lectures and individual mentoring consultations on promotion, marketing, PR & press, festivals, and sales strategy from various film industry consultants. This is followed by a works-in-progress organised under the ‘First Cut+’ label, open to selected decision makers (sales agents & distributors, festivals’ programmers, etc).

More detailed info about the session of First Cut+ soon, in the meantime you can have a look at the 2024 selected projects!