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When East Meets West and Trieste Film Festival are happy to present the upcoming edition of This is IT, a work in progress section exclusively dedicated to long feature films and hybrid works with a strong visual and artistic approach produced or co-produced by Italian producers, or coming from any of the East & West 2025 spotlight territories: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
The selected teams will have the chance to present their works and screen 8′ of their films to an exclusive panel of international sales agents, festival programmers and buyers. 

All selected films will compete for the Laser Film Award, consisting in 4 days of colour grading services and 1 DCP for a total value of 10.000€.

All applications must be submitted by the Italian producer/co-producer, or by the producer from one of the 2025 countries in focus, and must include: complete online application form and video material not less than 15 minutes long. In order to submit your application and the required material, you need to create your own account and fill in the online form following this link.

The deadline for submissions is Nov 5, 2024 and the results of the final selection will be announced by mid-December, 2024. Thanks to the partnership with Milano Film Network (MFN), all applications for This is IT and L’Atelier will be shared and taken into consideration by the two selection committees. This is IT will take place alongside When East Meets West and the Trieste Film Festival on January 21, 2025.  

For any further information you can contact us via email at   


I. General Aspects:
Please note: the deadline for submitting a project to This is IT is NOVEMBER 5, 2024 23.59 CET.
In order to submit your application and the required material, you need to create your own account and fill in the online form following this link.
Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.
Application materials and subtitles should be in English.
The selection committee’s decisions cannot be appealed.

II. Submission:
All applications must include the complete online application form.
It is mandatory for the submitted video material to have English subtitles.
The video material submitted must be not less than 15 minutes long.
The video materials should be either 1 full scene or maximum 3 separate scenes.
The video is mandatory to be available via streaming service password protected (e.g. Vimeo). No transfer services or cloud storage is accepted.
The application must be finalised and submitted via this link with all the required documents by NOVEMBER 5, 2024.

III. Selection Criteria:
This is IT has interest to support long feature films and hybrid works with a strong cinematic language and artistic imprint of the director. No specific themes or styles are preferred. There are no other specific fixed criteria and each individual project will be considered on its own merits.
Projects should be new or recent, there should be a potential international market and should be feature films with theatrical potential (minimum length of 70 minutes).
The submitted project can be in different stages of post-production, though highly recommended to be in its early editing phase and still looking for international distribution and festival premiere.

IV. Specific Conditions:
There is no entry fee for applications.
Once a project has been selected, one representative of the film should be present during This is IT.
Finished films selected should mention This is IT and display its logo in their credits. Preferably, the following sentence should be mentioned in the credit list: “[film title] has participated at This is IT of WEMW and TSFF”.
The logo will be sent upon request.